Europan Germany

National Jury 17.-18.11.2023

Client Representatives 
Andreas Hofer, Director of the International Building Exhibition 2027 StadtRegion Stuttgart, Stuttgart/ Zurich
Michael Rudolph,Board of Directors Europan Germany e.V., Leipzig
Urs Kumberger, Teleinternetcafe Architecture and Urbansim, Scientific Committee Europan Germany e.V., Berlin

Architects / Planners
Ralf Fleckenstein, ff-architekten, Berlin
Dr. Miriam García García, LandLab, Scientific Committee Europan Europe, Barcelona/ ES
Prof. Melanie Humann, Professorship for Urbanism & Design, TU Dresden, Urban Catalysts GmbH, Scientific Committee Europan Germany e.V., Berlin/ Dresden
Marika Schmidt, mrschmidt Architekten, Committee Europan Germany e.V., Berlin
Sarah Wigglesworth, Sarah Wigglesworth Architects, London/ UK

Public Figure
Prof. Jörg Stollmann, Chair for Urban Design and Urbanization, TU Berlin, Berlin/ Zurich

Karin Sandeck, architect, board member of Europan Deutschland e.V., Munich
Josef Weber, Dipl. Ing (univ) , architect and urban planner DASL, Nuremberg

Kaye Geipel, Member of the Board of Europan Deutschland e.V.



Bad Lobenstein Local Jury  18.10.23

Specialist Jury Members
Wolfgang Glühen, City Councilman / Chairman of the Building and Urban Development Committee, Bad Lobenstein
Thomas Knorr, Managing Director of the Kurgesellschaft, Bad Lobenstein
André Burkhardt, 2nd Councilman

Thomas Bauer, City Councilman / Deputy Chairman of the Building and Urban Development Committee, Bad Lobenstein

Expert Jury Members
Prof. Melanie Humann, TU Dresden, Urban Catalyst GmbH, Berlin/ Dresden
Heike Roos, RoosGrün, Weimar
Josef Weber, Head of Municipal Planning, board of Europan Deutschland e.V., Erlangen
Manuela Loos, Urban Development, Neighbourhood Development and School Construction Funding

Advisors without voting rights
Susanne Brandler, citizen consultant in the Building and Urban Development Committee / retiree / formerly regional development at LRA SOK, Bad Lobenstein
Kati Halfter, City of Bad Lobenstein / architect, Bad Lobenstein
Annegret Schlegel, Regional Development / Regional Planning – District Administration of the Saale-Orla District / FD Economics, Culture, Tourism, Schleiz 



Berlin Local Jury  13.10.2023

Specialist Jury Members Petra Kahlfeldt, Senate Building Director / State Secretary for Urban Development, Berlin
Stefan Schautes, Division Manager and authorized representative of HOWOGE, Berlin
Cornelius Bechtler, District Councillor Berlin-Pankow, Berlin

Gerlinde Ritouet-Steiner, Senior Development Manager DLE, Berlin

Expert Jury Members Maren Brakebusch, Managing Director of VOGT Landschaft GmbH, Berlin
Dr. Irene Wiese-von Ofen, Board of Directors Europan Deutschland e.V.
Dr. Saskia Hebert, subsolar* architektur & stadtforschung, board of Europan Deutschland e.V., Berlin

Advisors without voting rights 
Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing
Pia Schwarz, Land Use Planning
Christoph Toschka, Land Use Planning
Simone Risse, Housing Projects - Outer City
Marius Wiese, Staff Unit - Architecture I Urban Design I Planning
Senate Department for Mobility, Transport, Climate Protection and Environment
Tilo Schumann, Transport Development Planning represented by: Ralf Kerkhoff, Public Transport
Dirk Bartel, Design of Streets and Squares represented by: Christian Ostendorf, Design of Streets and Squares
Berlin-Pankow District Office
Ole Grassow, Infrastructure Projects East
Christoph Schüßler (DB Station & Service AG)

Daniela Rudolf (Bezirksamt Pankow)
Gerlinde Ritouet Steiner, Senior Development Manager DLE, Berlin 
David Hiller



Borkum Local Jury 28.9.23

Specialist Jury Members
Katharina Brecht, Office for Regional Development Weser-Ems
Göran Sell, Managing Director of Nordseeheilbad GmbH, Borkum
Volker Hosemann, Municipal Architect of the City of Borkum, Borkum

Expert Jury Members 
Christoph Heinemann, ifau Institut für angewandte Urbanistik, Berlin
Prof. Christa Reicher, RWTH Aachen, RHA REICHER HAASE ASSOZIIERTE, Aachen
Karin Sandeck, Division Head at the Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Construction, and Transport, Board of Europan Deutschland e.V., Munich
Henry Fenzlein, Octagon Architekturkollektiv, Leipzig 
Jan Friedrich, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Bauwelt, Committee Europan Deutschland e.V., Berlin

Advisors without voting rights
Dr Monika Harms, Councillor (CDU)



Ingolstadt Local Jury 13.10.23

Specialist Jury Members
Gero Hoffmann, Advisor for building construction and civil engineering of the City of Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt
Petra Kleine, 3rd Mayor of the City of Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt
Ulrike Wittmann-Brand, Advisor for urban development and building law of the City of Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt

Philipp Münster, Head of the Urban Planning Authority Urban Planning Authority; City of Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt

Expert Jury Members 
Oliver Bormann, Yellow Z BERLIN, Berlin
Urs Kumberger, Teleinternetcafe Architektur und Urbanismus, Committee of Europan Deutschland e.V, Berlin
Ingrid Sabatier, ISSS research | architecture | urbanism, Berlin
Annika Wulf, Wulf architekten GmbH, Stuttgart

Prof. Dr Thorsten Erl, University of Siegen, metris architekten, Board of Europan Deutschland e.V., Heidelberg/Siegen
Ali Saad, ARUP, Committee of Europan Deutschland e.V., Berlin

Advisors without voting rights
Klaus Böttcher, member of the FW in the Design Committee of the City of Ingolstadt 
Tanja Ebersbach, Urban Planning Authority, Ingolstadt
Barbara Hermann, Urban Planning Authority, Ingolstadt
Isabell Rapp-Kaise, Transport Management, City of Ingolstadt
Dr. Manfred Schuhmann, member of the SPD in the Design Committee of the City of Ingolstadt



Kassel Local Jury 11.9.23

Specialist Jury Members
Dr. Sven Schoeller,  Mayor of the City of Kassel
Christof Nolda, Head of the Municipal Planning and Urban Development Authority of the City of Kassel
Ulrich Türk, Wohnstadt Stadtentwicklungs- und Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Hessen mbH

Heiko Büsscher, Provisional Head of the Department of Urban Planning, Construction Supervision, and Monument Conservation / Head of the Department of Urban Planning of the City of Kassel
Manfred von Alm, Head of the Real Estate Authority of the City of Kassel

Expert Jury Members 
Ulrike Dix, AFF Architekten, Berlin
Matthias Foitzik, Partner foundation 5+ architekten, Chairman of the Advisory Board for Urban Design in Kassel, Kassel
Prof. Ariane Röntz, University of Kassel, Kassel
Jan Friedrich, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Bauwelt, Committee Europan Deutschland e.V., Berlin

Advisors without voting rights
Charlie Louise Bosch, Urban Planning, Construction Supervision, and Monument Conservation of the City of Kassel
Christoph Köstermenke, Urban Planning, Construction Supervision, and Monument Conservation of the City of Kassel
Frederik Lumpe, Road Traffic and Civil Engineering Office of the City of Kassel
Volker Lange, Environment and Garden Office of the City of Kassel
N.N. of the Wolfsanger-Hasenhecke local advisory council
Manfred Merz, Head of the Building Administration Office of the City of Kassel
Michaela Reuter, Wolfsanger-Hasenhecke Local Council
Angela Nolda, Wolfsanger-Hasenhecke Local Advisory Council 
Julia Jeantsch, Main Office of the City of Kassel



Leipzig Local Jury  23.10.23

Specialist Jury Members

Franziska Riekewald, Specialist Committee on Urban Development and Construction, City of Leipzig
Susann von Hantelmann, Head of Strategic Building Management, Project Development, Office for Building Management, City of Leipzig
Petra Hochtritt, Head of the Urban Development / Urban Renewal Authority, Department of Residential Construction and Urban Renewal, City of Leipzig

Nora Gitter, Coordinator for Baukultur, City of Leipzig 

Expert Jury Members 
Thomas Dienberg, Mayor, Urban Development and Construction, City of Leipzig 
Ingo Schäfer, GSP Architekten, Munich
Sven Thorissen, Director of DAS Studio and architect, MVRDV, Rotterdam / Netherlands
Michael Rudolph, Ward 23C, Board of Directors Europan Deutschland e.V., Leipzig

Heinrich Neu, Urban Planning Office, Head of Department, Design of Public Space

Advisors without voting rights
Gundula Claus, Urban Planning Authority, City of Leipzig
Christiane Kornhaß, Department of Residential Construction and Urban Renewal, City of Leipzig
René Krug, Office of Urban Green Spaces and Bodies of Water, City of Leipzig
Josephine Reuther, Department of Residential Construction and Urban Renewal, City of Leipzig
Jens-Uwe Boldt, Head of Department Urban Development and Construction, Urban Planning Office, City of Leipzig

Ilse Lauter, Member of the Grünau District Council



Munich Local Jury 15.9.23

Specialist Jury Members
Dr Thorsten Bischoff, COO / Managing Director of VALUES. Real Estate Holding, Hamburg
Michael Ehret, Advisory Board of Beirat Ehret+Klein GmbH, Starnberg
Patric Wolf, Chairman of the District Council of 12 Schwabing-Freimann, Munich

Marco Ulivieri, Head of the Project Development Team, Ehret+Klein GmbH, Starnberg
Frederik Schriever, developer / Managing Director of VALUES, Projektentwicklung Süd GmbH & Co. KG, Grünwald

Expert Jury Members
Prof. Andreas Kipar, Politecnico di Milano, LAND, Milano / Lugano / Düsseldorf / Vienna
Jórunn Ragnarsdottir, Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Architekten, Berlin
Prof. Jacob van Rijs, Technical University Berlin, MVRDV, Berlin / Rotterdam
Michael Bacherl, Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulations of the City of Munich, Munich 

Sölvi Lederer, Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Architekten, Berlin
Philine Stadtmüller, Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulations of the City of Munich, Munich

Advisors without voting rights
Theresa Görner, Project Manager, Ehret+Klein GmbH, Starnberg
Dr Miku Hayashi-Reimers, Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulations of the City of Munich, structural concepts for long-term residential development, Munich
Corinna Hey, Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulations of the City of Munich, Munich 
Dr Jörg Hoffmann, Councilman
Heike Kainz, Councilwoman
Lars Mentrup, Councilman
Brigitte Wolf, Councilwoman
Hannah Müller, Senior Projectmanager (Consultant VALUES)
Florian Pipo, Team leader for development (Consultant Ehret+Klein)
Petra Piloty, Lederer-Piloty Architekten, München



Regensburg Local Jury 16.10.23

Specialist Jury Members
Gertrude Maltz-Schwarzfischer, Lord Mayor of the City of Regensburg
Rüdiger Hage, Stadtbau-GmbH Regensburg, Head of the Department of Housing Administration
Ariane Weckerle, Municipal Councilman
Maria Simon, ,Municipal Councilman

Michael Lehner, City Council Regensburg
Alexandra Walla, Stadtbau-GmbH Regensburg, Department of Housing Administration
Dr. Timo Munzinger, Consultant for integrated urban development and urban planning at the Deutsche Städtetag,Board Europan Germany e. V., Cologne
Dr. Thomas Burger, Chairman of the SPD Parliamentary Group

Expert Jury Members 
Helmut Dietrich, Advisory Design Committee, City of Regensburg| Untertrifaller Architekten ZT GmbH, Bregenz
Katja Aufermann, liebald+aufermann landschaftsarchitekten und stadtplaner, Munich
Götz Keßler, Managing Director of Stadtbau-GmbH Regensburg
Florian Plajer, Planning and Construction Consultant, City of Regensburg
Josef Weber, Head of Division, Planning and Construction City of Erlangen, Board Europan Germany e. V., Erlangen

Tanja Flemmig, Head of the Urban Planning Authority, City of Regensburg
Hans Teufl, Stadtbau-GmbH Regensburg, Head of the Technical Department
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Benze, offsea, Berlin, Munich, London, Professor of Urban Design and Urban Theory at the University of Applied Sciences Munich, Committee Europan Deutschland e.V.

Advisors without voting rights
Armin Frohschammer, Head of the Building Regulations Authority, City of Regensburg