Europan Germany



Save the Date: October 17/18/19, 2024 Inter-Sessions-Forum

In the fall, the Inter-Sessions Forum will take place in Madrid for the E17/E18 process change. In addition to the presentation of the award-winning projects E17 and the topic E18 "Re_sourcing", the location representatives of the participating locations E17 and E18 will meet to exchange experiences.
Registration will be possible from summer on. You will find more information on our website and on Instagram soon.

Einladung Vernissage Ausstellung E17 „Lebendige Städte 2 - Ergebnisse”

Invitation to the Opening of the Exhibition E17 „Living Cities 2 - Results"

The designs of this year's Europan prizewinners from the eight locations Bad Lobenstein, Berlin, Borkum, Ingolstadt, Kassel, Leipzig, Munich and Regensburg will be exhibited in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The exhibition will take place in the Frizz Gallery.
You are cordially invited to the opening on May 17, 2024 at 6.00 p.m.

Frizz Gallery
Friedrichstraße 23a
10969 Berlin

Foto: Willing Höfer

The Association of German Cities and Europan invite you to a joint information event on May 15, 2024, online

The Association of German Cities and Europan e.V. invite you to a joint online information event on May 15, 2024

The Association of German Cities and the German Association of Towns and Municipalities will be holding a joint information event with the EUROPAN partners on May 15, 2024 from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm for interested cities and land owners. Participating municipalities from previous procedures will report on their experiences with the EUROPAN competition. Questions will be answered afterwards.

If you are interested, please send an informal e-mail to Ms. Claudia Schümann from the German Association of Cities and Towns ( You will then be sent the link for the Zoom meeting on the event.

Tag der Städtebauförderung

Day of Urban Development

We recommend: The Day of Urban Development will take place across Germany on May 4th 2024. On this day, many cities and municipalities will provide information about their current projects - with guided tours, presentations and other events. The Day of Urban Development Promotion is a joint initiative of the federal government, the federal states, the German Association of Cities and Towns and the German Association of Towns and Municipalities.

E18: Re-sourcing Eine neue Perspektive auf dasBestehende

A New Perspective on the Existing

Cities and municipalities, housing associations and project developers can now once again apply for the Europan E18 competition. 
The current theme of the competition is "Re-sourcing − A New Perspective on the Existing". We are looking for neglected, monofunctional or stigmatised urban spaces for which innovative strategies and ideas are to be developed.
If you are interested - for questions and additional information - please contact us: 
+49 30 399 185 49

Abschlussveranstaltung und Preisverleihung in Berlin

Closing event and award ceremony in Berlin

The closing event and award ceremony in Berlin was fully booked with 130 seats. We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Merk for her keynote speech, the teams for their project presentations and the site representatives for their discussions on stage. We would also like to thank the respondents Prof. Dr. Andrea Benze (offsea), Ulrike Dix (AFF Architekten), Christoph Heinemann (Ifau) and Ali Saad (Arup).

Foto: Can Wagener           

Michael Hardi

Michael Hardi

Our Advisory Board member Michael Hardi, Head of the Urban Planning Department in Munich, passed away unexpectedly on November 11. We are very saddened. Our sympathy goes out to his family.


Award ceremony

The German award ceremony will take place on 23.2.24 at the Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory in Berlin. 

Bauwelt Ausgabe über Europan

Bauwelt Magazine about Europan

The architecture magazine Bauwelt is publishing a Europan issue. It will be published on 16 February 2024 under the title "Tabula non-rasa" and will present the German entries and award winners from the E17. Excerpts will be available online at on the Tuesday before, 13 February.

Baunetz Campus Artikel

Baunetz CAMPUS article

We recommend... 

Baunetz on the Europan E17 and its results.

Wir suchen Verstärkung für unser Team

We are looking for reinforcement for our team

2 vacancies for internship or student assistant from January 2024 !!!

To strengthen our team in the office of Europan Deutschland e.V. in Berlin, we are looking for two working students (2 days/week) from January 2024, or offer two internships to work on publications, exhibitions and events.
Are you interested in looking behind the scenes of one of the largest European competition processes, do you have good Office and Adobe Creative Cloud skills and are you motivated to become part of our team in Berlin for at least 6 months? German language skills and knowledge of a drawing program (e.g. ArchiCad or VektorWorks, etc.) are an advantage. Then apply with a short personal cover letter, CV and portfolio (<5MB) by email to:
We value interdisciplinary and independent work as well as teamwork. Knowledge of German is an advantage.
We look forward to receiving your application by December, 20th 2023!



We would like to thank all participants in the E17 competition and congratulate the winners.

International Forum

International Forum

On 10 and 11 November 2023, the International Forum of Cities and Juries took place in Vienna, Austria. All shortlisted projects submitted across Europe were exhibited and discussed internationally on various panels. 
The German delegation was represented at the conference with site representatives from all 8 German locations and participants from the German committee and the German Europan board.

Interview mit Dr. Iris Reuther in Kontextur

Interview with Dr. Iris Reuther in Kontextur

Dr. Iris Reuther is Senate Building Director of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen at the Senator for Climate Protection, Environment, Mobility, Urban Development and Housing and in the Europan committee since 2021. In the interview, she talks about the urgent questions of our time and the promotion of young architects.


Foto: SBMS
Grafic: SKUMS

Treffen der Ländersekreatariate in Paris

Scientific Committee Meeting

Last weekend, the country secretariats met with Europan Europe and the Scientific Committee in Paris at the ENSA La Villette School of Architecture. In particular, the first ideas for possible themes for the E18 process were discussed. More information will be available soon on the Instagram of Europan Europe (@europan_cafe).

Kick-off Event for E17 to Watch

For all those who missed the launch event of Europan Germany, it is now available. In German and English.

New Documents after Launch

About half of the site visits and colloquia have been completed - for the rest, the information on the meeting place and time can be found on the sub-pages under "Competition E17" at the respective sites. The reports of the question-and-answer colloquia are in progress and will soon be available for download here. When they are ready, they will be announced on Instagram. Please follow us on Insta for optimal communication. All important dates and information will be posted there. 
Also, the first additional documents have been uploaded, which were requested in the feedback colloquia. Please check the download folder on the Europan Europa server under "New Documents after Launch".

Auftaktveranstaltung Europan Deutschland E17

Launch event Europan Germany E17

21.4.22 from 14-18:00 // Online via Zoom


Meeting-ID: 878 5704 9169
Kenncode: 817890

In the opening event, the eight participating cities - Bad Lobenstein, Berlin, Borkum, Ingolstadt, Kassel, Leipzig, Munich, Regensburg - will present their competition tasks and interested participants from all over Europe can ask questions. At the same time, we will highlight the Europan 17 thematic focus "Living Cities 2": with a short keynote speech and inputs from various experts who will refer to the questions posed by the cities.

The event will be moderated by the two Europan Germany board members Kaye Geipel, architecture critic, urban planner and curator and Dr. Saskia Hebert, subsolar* architektur & stadtforschung. Further information can be found in the download PDF.

The event will be translated into English by two simultaneous translators and can be heard in English via a separate audio channel (selectable in the meeting).

Neue Informationen zum E17 Wettbewerb

New Information About the E17 Competition

On 27 March 2023, the Europan E17 competition on the theme of "Living Cities 2" will start. Germany is participating with eight sites.

This time, the cities of Bad Lobenstein, Berlin, Borkum, Ingolstadt, Kassel, Leipzig, Munich and Regensburg are taking part. The tasks are more ecological and more socially ambitious than ever. They range from hybrid, climate resilient urban building blocks (Munich) and climate-neutral new quarters (Kassel) to revitalisation of existing quarters through additions, conversions and extensions (Regensburg, Leipzig), wellbeing, spa and health (Borkum, Bad Lobenstein) and sustainable transformation of gray infrastructures (Berlin, Ingolstadt).

On 27.3.2023, the awards and short films on the locations will be available online on our website. On 21.4.2023, the German launch will take place.

E17 mit acht deutschen Standorten

E17 with eight German sites

We are pleased to announce that eight cities are participating in this year's E17 process.
The competition officially launches on March 27, 2023, and we look forward to the national launch event, which will take place online on April 21, 2023. More information to follow soon.


FINALLY: OUT NOW - E16 Catalog by Jovis

How can we counter climate change and social, economic and cultural inequalities in the urbanized spaces of our cities and communities with innovative projects and new planning processes? How do we move from neglected, derelict, empty, stigmatized and monofunctional to lively, integrative and mixed urban spaces? On the occasion of the E16 competition, projects were developed at five German locations that demonstrate possibilities for transformation processes in municipalities. The COVID-19 pandemic, which started parallel to the process, acted as a catalyst for many of the issues addressed: vibrant cities as places of longing and necessary visions. The catalog summarizes the competition entries of the German locations as well as the German winners at European locations.

With contributions by Andrea Benze, Kaye Geipel, Saskia Hebert, Timo Munzinger, Iris Reuter, Ali Saad, Anne Schmedding, Marika Schmidt and Tatjana Schneider.

Inter-Sessions-Forum in Frankreich

Inter-Sessions-Forum in France

The Inter-Sessions-Forum is finished: about 300 people from all over Europe discussed for 3 days in Clermont-Ferrand about the future of urban spaces. On the agenda were in particular issues of climate protection, climate adaptation, management of natural resources such as soil and water, and biodiversity. The German delegation comprised 29 people. 

Workshop in Landshut

Workshop in Landshut

The Europan Workshop on the Landshut site will take place on 7.11.22.
In the morning, the winners will present their project ideas and develop them further with local representatives. In the evening, a public presentation will take place in the city hall, to which everyone is cordially invited.

Agenda for Monday, November 07, 2022:

10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Tour of the old correctional facility for the awardees
- Meeting point main entrance | Innere Münchener Straße -
The prize winners | Europan Competition

11.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m.
Lunch together
The award winners | Europan Competition

13.30 - 17.00
Venue: City Hall I, City Hall Foyer, Altstadt 315, 84028 Landshut
Presentation by the prize winners (presentation of office and design of the Europan Competition)
Per office approx. 1.5 hours including discussion
Moderation: Mr. Weber

from 19 o'clock
evening event in the city hall foyer
Venue: City Hall I, City Hall Foyer, Altstadt 315, 84028 Landshut
Presentation of the offices, drafts and workshop results
Moderation: Michael Bragulla

Save the Date: Inter-Sessions-Forum im November

Save the Date: Inter-Sessions forum in November

This periods Inter-Sessions forum, the biggest event on the Europan calendar, will take place on November 3rd –5th 2022 in Clermont Ferrand in France.

The Inter-Sessions Forum is an event that takes place every two years and is a vital part of Europan, offering a European meeting space, a “destination” for the Europan session E16/E17 network (and beyond). It is a place of exceptional circumstances, where people can meet each other, share and exchange ideas and experiences.

The forum will generate encounters and debates between the session E16 actors (cities, juries and winning teams) and the session E17 cities and will close one session of the competition and open up the next.

The 3-day program will be diverse and engaging, with voices from across the European urban-architectural world. Expect great debates, discussions, and the latest from some of Europe’s most exciting architectural and urban projects.

> E16 Teams: Join and exchange with other participants from across Europe.
> Cities: Come and see how Europan can change your city.
> Not currently involved in Europan?  Thinking about participating? Join the event to discover the latest ideas in developing our cities for the future.

Get in touch with to find out how you can be involved. 
Updates on how to sign up to attend the event will be posted on our website soon.

You can also find more information on the website of Europan Europe.

Der Standort-Call zum Wettbewerbsverfahren E17 startet!

The site call for the E17 competition starts!

Cities and municipalities can now apply to participate in the E17 competition "Living Cities 2- Living Cities 2"! The competition asks for innovative projects & processes for the reactivation of existing urbanized spaces.

If interested - for questions and additional information - contact us:
+49 30 399 185 49

Europan Sommerfest

Invitation - Europan Summer Party

The Europan Summer Party will take place on September 23, 2022.
We invite you all and look forward to seeing you there. Start is at 19.00h with a guided tour in Frizz 33 and the neighborhood.

btw: the Frizz23 was shortlisted for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award .

Start von Europan 17!

Europan 17 is coming soon!

On the occasion of our upcoming Europan 17 competition "Living Cities 2 - Lebendige Städte 2" we would like to cordially invite you to our information event on 20.07.2022 (online) between 16.00 - 17.30. This is aimed at all interested cities and municipalities that have neglected, derelict, stigmatized or mono-functionally used urban spaces and would like to transform them back into vibrant, inclusive and mixed urban spaces.

The link to the event:
Meeting ID: 821 2210 3676 // ID code: 261753

Dr. Munzinger from the German Association of Cities will moderate the event, Mr. Weber, board member of Europan e.V. and head of the department for planning and building of the city of Erlangen, will inform about Europan and the procedure E 17. Mr. Helmut Resch, former head of the building department of the city of Selb and several times participant of the Europan procedure will report about the experiences of the municipality.

Award Ceremony E16 Competition

On April 1, 2022, the award ceremony of E16 with an exhibition of the winning projects will take place at the German Architecture Center Berlin (DAZ).

Course of events:

4.00 p.m.: Welcome
Michael Rudolph, Chairman of the Board Europan

4.15 p.m.: Key-notes to contextualize the topic and outlook for E17
"europ(e)an imaginaries," Dr. Saskia Hebert, subsolar* architektur & stadtforschung, Europan board of directors.
"Optimism or the ordering of things", Marika Schmidt, mrschmidt Architekten

5.00 p.m.: Presentation of the award winners and award ceremony, followed by a dialog about the works.

Talking about the works in dialogue:

- Ettlingen: Dr. Thorsten Erl, University of Siegen/ metris architekten + stadtplaner, Board Europan with Wassili Meyer-Buck, Head of the Planning Department of the City of Ettlingen

- Landshut: Josef Weber, ost 3 architekten und stadtplaner, Member of the Board of Europan with Johannes Doll, Head of the Building Department of the City of Landshut

- Schwäbisch Gmünd: Kyung-Ae Kim-Nalleweg, Kim Nalleweg Architekten with Julius Mihm, Mayor of the City of Schwäbisch Gmünd

- Selb: Melanie Humann, Technical University of Dresden / Urban Catalyst with Helmut Resch, head of the municipal building department of the city of Selb

- Wernigerode: Dr. Saskia Hebert, subsolar* architektur & stadtforschung, Board Europan with Christian Zeigermann, Managing Director Gebäude- und Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Wernigerode

7.30 p.m.: Closing with drinks and exhibition



On April 1, 2022, the award ceremony of E16 with an exhibition of the winning projects will take place at the German Architecture Center Berlin (DAZ).
We will announce the exact times later.
We are looking forward to seeing you!

Nationale Jurysitzung in Berlin

National jury meeting in Berlin

The national jury meeting will be held in Berlin on November 26. 
We are looking forward to the meeting and are excited about the final results, which we will publish on December 13.

Lokale Jurysitzung in Landshut

Local jury meeting in Landshut

On October 25, the prelimiary selection by the local jury of Landshut will take place.
We are looking forward to the results.

On November 26th the national jury meeting will take place and in December the final results will be published.
We are curious!

Lokale Jurysitzung in Selb

Local jury meeting in Selb

On October 22, the prelimiary selection by the local jury of Selb will take place.
We are looking forward to the results.

On November 26th the national jury meeting will take place and in December the final results will be published.
We are curious!

Lokale Jurysitzung in Wernigerode

Local jury meeting in Wernigerode

On October 21, the prelimiary selection by the local jury of Wernigerode will take place.
We are looking forward to the results.

On November 26th the national jury meeting will take place and in December the final results will be published.
We are curious!

Lokale Jurysitzung in Ettlingen

Local jury meeting in Ettlingen

On October 15, the prelimiary selection by the local jury of Ettlingen will take place.
We are looking forward to the results.

On November 26th the national jury meeting will take place and in December the final results will be published.
We are curious!

Lokale Jurysitzung in Schwäbisch Gmünd

Local jury meeting in Schwäbisch Gmünd

On October 14, the prelimiary selection by the local jury of Schwäbisch Gmünd will take place.
We are looking forward to the results.

On November 26th the national jury meeting will take place and in December the final results will be published.
We are curious!

Vielen Dank ...

Thank you ...

... to all the teams who participated in the 16th edition of the Europan competition.

We are looking forward to the jury sessions and are curious about the results.


Summer Party

Some impressions from our first Europan Summer Party. Despite the rainy weather, a wide variety of people came together - a colorful mix of old jurors, former participants, the board of directors, committee members, the new management and neighbors from Frizz23.
Katharina Schroth guided us through the award-winning Blumengroßmarkt quarter, Prof. Lisa Babette Diedrich through the Metropolenhaus.
Special thanks also to Salome Lobert and Niklas Rezende Monteiro for providing food at the taco stand.
And thanks to Mitja Windisch for building the summer kitchen.

We look forward to an - even bigger party next year!

UPDATE Summer Party today!

UPDATE Summer Party today!

We are well equipped, have large umbrellas and a room in which we can move the party in case it rains! So don't be shy, we look forward to seeing you today!

Summer Party Europan Germany in Berlin // 10.09.2021

Summer Party Europan Germany in Berlin // 10.09.2021

We will start at 5:30 pm with a guided tour through the neighborhood at the former Blumengroßmarkt, where our office is located. The area has just been awarded the German Urban Development Prize - for its exemplary co-development and the successful mix of living / working and open spaces (click here for more information).

From 7-9 pm there will be a snack and drinks and who wants be guided through our house.

It will be a small, informal celebration in the Besselpark, right in front of our new office in Frizz23 at Friedrichstraße 23 in Berlin. In case of bad weather, the party will take place on our roof terrace.

Invite your friends and celebrate Europan with us!


Job offer

For the support of the procedure E16 “Living Cities” Europan is looking for student employees.

- Support Europan office
- weekly working time approx. 8h (flexible - on an hourly basis)
- public relations: minor graphic work, maintenance of Instagram account, website
- general office tasks e.g. sending catalogs, creating lists, ordering office supplies
- support at events.

If interested, please email

Rückfragen beantwortet, Dokumente hochgeladen

All received queries have been answered

Finally – all received queries have been answered. In addition, further requested documents have been uploaded today (see file “New documents” on the Europan Europa Server) and – for those who did not see them yet – the reports from colloquia are also online (see Europan Europa Server or under Competition E16 on the website We are excited and looking forward to your contributions. 

Wernigerode: Europan im Fernsehbeitrag des MDR

Wernigerode: Europan in the TV report of the MDR

MDR has joined us on our Site-Visit in Wernigerode and featured us in MDR-Aktuell.

You can now stream the video via their media library.

Copyright: Tino Semmer/Polyluchs Kreativagentur

Schwäbisch Gmünd: Begehung & Rückfragenkolloquium

Schwäbisch Gmünd: Site Visit and Colloquium

On June 10, the site visit & colloquium was held in Schwäbisch Gmünd.

Click here for the recording of the event.

Erfolgreicher Auftakt

Successful Opening Event

Successful opening event of Europan Germany with almost 200 interested participants.

With: Dr. Andea Benze (Munich University of Applied Sciences), Dr. Iris Reuther (Senate Building Director of the Hanseatic City of Bremen), Ali Saad (Bureau Ruiz Saad – Architecture Urbanism Research), Dr. Anne Schmedding (Head of Foundation Projects Stiftung Berliner Leben), Dr. Tatjana Schneider (Institute for History and Theory of Architecture and the City, TU Braunschweig), Melanie Humann (Urban Catalyst GmbH and TU Dresden), Dr. Saskia Hebert (subsolar* architektur und stadtforschung), Prof. Jens Metz (Schule für Architektur Saar) and many more.

Click here for the recording of the event.

Ankündigung Auftakt

Announcement for the Kickoff Meeting

On May 7, the event will get underway. In the opening event of Europan Germany, the 5 German locations will be presented with their tasks and experts from architecture and urban development will illuminate the topic “Living Cities” with short inputs.

Among them will be: Prof. Dr. Andea Benze (Munich University of Applied Sciences), Prof. Dr. Iris Reuther (Senate Building Director of the Hanseatic City of Bremen), Ali Saad (Bureau Ruiz Saad - Architecture Urbanism Research), Dr. Anne Schmedding (Head of Foundation Projects Stiftung Berliner Leben), Prof. Dr. Tatjana Schneider (Institute for History and Theory of Architecture and the City, TU Braunschweig), Prof. Melanie Humann (Urban Catalyst GmbH and TU Dresden) , Dr. Saskia Hebert (subsolar* architektur und stadtforschung), Prof. Jens Metz (Schule für Architektur Saar) and many more.

The event will take place online on May 7, 2021 from 2pm to 6pm. All are welcome to participate.

Start des neuen Wettbewerbsverfahrens E16

Start of the New Competition E16

The new E16 competition on the theme of “Living Cities” will start on April 5, 2021. Germany is represented with 5 locations.

For more information, see Competition E16.

Neue Website für Europan Deutschland

New Website for Europan Germany

With the start of the new competition procedure E16, Europan Germany launches its new website.

The archive is currently still under construction.

Live Sessions nachholen von ISF E15/E16

Replay the Live Sessions from the ISF E15/E16

For all who missed them or want to have another look: The live sessions of the Inter-Sessions Forum “From Productive Cities to Living Cities” E15/E16!

Inter-Sessions virtual Forum, 18.–22.01.2021  ›From Productive Cities to Living Cities‹

Inter-Sessions Virtual Forum, 18.–22.1.2021
›From Productive Cities to Living Cities‹

The Inter-Sessions Forum E15/E16 will take place from 18. to 22.1.2021 as a virtual forum. It offers a platform for exchange and debate between cities, experts and participants of the procedures E15 and E16.

Under the following link you will find the program as well as the link for registration. Participation after registration is free of charge. Save the date! Register now!

„Unbreak My Hardt“

“Unbreak My Hardt”

The project “Unbreak My Hardt” in Schwäbisch Gmünd, which emerged from an entry in the competition E13 “The Adaptable City 2”, is a project of the IBA network of the IBA’27 StadtRegion Stuttgart. We are looking forward to it!

Publikation „The Productive City 2” im Jovis Verlag erschienen

Publication “The Productive City 2” published by Jovis Verlag

The catalog for E15 “The Productive City 2” has been published by Jovis Verlag. With contributions by Dieter Läpple, Uta Schneider, Peter Stubbe, Stefan Werrer and Irene Wiese-von Ofen.

Gewinnerbeitrag aus E12 in Nürnberg Realisiert

Winning Entry from E12 in Nuremberg Realized

The project EUROPAN 12 of the WBG Nuremberg is based on the winning design of the competition E12 for the Nuremberg site and was realized by fabriK - B Architekten. Congratulations!

Gewinnerbeitrag aus E15 wird Realisiert

Winning Entry from E15 Will Be Realized

The city of Selb will commission the realization of the open space planning of the design “Scherben bringen Glück – das produktive Herzstück” for the redesign of the station surroundings. Congratulations!

Europan Deutschland e.V. ist umgezogen

Europan Deutschland e.V. has moved

Since January 1, 2020 you will find the office of Europan Deutschland e.V. at Frizz23. Please note the new contact details.


Friedrichstraße 23A
10969 Berlin

+49 30 399 185 49

+49 30 399 185 50